Jacob’s Trouble



A Biblical Perspective of the Rapture and Tribulation

From the time that Jesus ascended to heaven promising His return, until this very day, the church has deliberated over the second coming of Christ. Questions and theories about the tribulation, the mark of the beast, and rescue from the wrath to come have plagued believers for centuries.

There should be great comfort to all believers in the knowledge that Jesus our Messiah will be soon returning. Unfortunately far too many Christians are focused on the rise of the anti-Christ over that of their returning and conquering king. This focus on and fear of the false messiah is a blatant tactic of the devil. With fear and worry comes confusion and doubt. Satan does not want you to see the truth of the victorious outcome for those who follow Jehovah.

So where does the church fit into the events of the end times? What is the purpose of the tribulation? And what is the roll of Israel in God’s grand plan of judgment. To find the answers to these questions, we have but to read the words of our Heavenly Father. Among the pages of our instruction manual, the Bible, we find that God has laid out for us a pattern and a timetable, guiding us through to the knowledge that we seek. Our Lord is coming soon and He has given His people a blueprint for the events to come.

The question that each of us must ask ourselves is, “Am I watching for the coming of the Lord, and do I rejoice in His nearness?” Through this revealing teaching you will see your place in the end time events, understand God’s final plan for man, contemplate your personal desire to see the lost brought to salvation, and also discover your own ability to discern the coming of our Lord.

This teaching is one among several brought forth by Dick Reuben to the congregation of Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. This church served as host to the now, well known Pensacola Outpouring Revival and which saw over four million people touched by God’s Holy Spirit. The leadership of Brownville Assembly attributed the teachings of Dick Reuben to laying the foundation for this mighty move of God.

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