Why Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem



“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Psalms 122:6

On the surface this appears to be a simple verse of scripture, but within the meaning is a very complex revelation. Over three thousand years ago God, having an eternal plan, inspired King David to write these words. Since that time Jewish and Non-Jewish believers alike have been encouraged to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

So why is it that there has never been lasting peace in Jerusalem the supposed “City of Peace”? Why will Jerusalem never see true peace until Jesus returns and establishes His kingdom? In this teaching you will find the answers to these questions while exploring other Bible mysteries such as:

  • Understanding The Time of the Gentiles
  • The extreme role that Gentiles must play in the God’s salvation plan for the Jews.
  • Why great revivals such as the Pensacola Outpouring were birthed out of a love for Israel.
  • The understanding of God’s calendar of the Feast Days as an important tool for revival.
  • The blessings that lay ahead for those who can catch God’s vision for Jerusalem.

For those who love this city of gold, there is a God promised blessing of prosperity. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem brings the blessings of God as promised to His friend Abraham. “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Gen 12:3 These blessings are offered openly to every congregation, to every home, and to every believer who will seek the face of God and fervently PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM.

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